
I Was a Wife First

Tonight we got to go to dinner, just us.

We had a wonderful meal at our fav Texas Roadhouse complete with an actual adult beverage (I tried the the Texas Peach Fuzz but opted for rum instead of vodka.)

Followed by a trip to our second favorite place, Lowe’s as we try to get this house all cleaned up for little man’s birthday. You can see our most recent projects at The Hudson Home.

And lastly, finished up with a truck-bed-sittin’ ice cream date at Dairy Queen - my fav is the kid’s dipped cone.

This isn’t our first time out without Calvin, but I will say this was the first time out that I was able to really be present and soak up our time together.

It has been so easy to be all consumed by being Calvin’s mom. Whether I’m with him or I’m on my own, 99% of my thoughts revolve around his well-being, his safety, his happiness. My heart and my mind preoccupied.

As it should be. As it’s meant to be.

I was talking to another mama this week. Reminding her, and myself, that we are biologically hardwired in this way. Of course our child, their safety and well-being is all we can think about, that is our job.

But we also live in a time and in a world where there are others that care, love, and treat our children like we would.

Tyler and I are so thankful for all those in our life who are now a part of Calvin’s. So that Tyler and I can have nights like these, where my mind is able to relax for just a little bit, to be fully present with each other.

I love you, my love. Forever and always. You will always be my greatest love.