It catches me when I least expect it. Like when we’ve just rushed to get out the door, all packed up in the car and I catch a glimpse of him in the rear view.
It’s just a regular morning but suddenly I’m flooded with feelings of sadness as I remember how small he used to be in that car seat.
But at the same time, overwhelmed with feelings of the deepest love as I think about how many memories we have ahead of us.
Today as I looked at his sweet little feet that now touch the back seat I thought, “how is it that this love can be so all consuming?”
And I think it’s because we fall in love with their innocence.
We fall in love with their effervescence.
The way they wake up in the morning like world is in their hands.
We fall in love with their hearts that remind us that love is ALL that matters.
Our children remind of us beauty, of authenticity, of the true power of vulnerability.
We fall in love with their energy - fall in love in a way that’s addicting. Like we just can’t get enough.
It’s the swell you feel in your chest as their little hand holds yours, or they lay your head on your shoulder.
And that swell? That’s love. Deep, true love.